“The Last Things” & Other Difficult Realities of Life

The readings in the month of November invite us to think about “the Last Things.” We look forward to Christ’s second coming at the end of time before we prepare to celebrate his first coming at Christmas.

In general, we don’t like to think about the ending of things; too often it evokes feelings of sadness and a sense of loss. I see many people seeking counseling to help them process endings: the ending of a relationship, job, or the loss of a loved one. Thinking about the end of time; whether of our own, or of the world, can be even more jarring and alarming.

The readings from Daniel and from the Gospel contain some serious and dark imagery. There is a temptation to simply put it aside and avoid thinking about it.

However, refusing to face realities, including unpleasant ones, is never helpful. It does not mean they will go away, it only means that they cast a gray shadow over the other areas of our life. I encourage you to take some time this week to be honest about whether you have areas in your life that you are afraid to acknowledge or deal with.

Consider taking these areas to prayer and allowing the Lord to show you how he is present in those situations and how he is guiding you through them. Remember that Jesus promises that when we see this time of tribulation, “know that he is near”! If needed, please reach out to a trusted friend, spiritual advisor, or counselor to help you process these areas too.


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