Serving Others - Boundaries (Part 2) October 24, 2021

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Last week, we discussed reflecting on ways to serve others as a way to focus more on others than we do on ourselves and answer the call of Christ. However, sometimes we can take the good of self-sacrifice to the extreme, to the point that it becomes unhealthy.

In my line of work, I have met people who are so busy helping others that their own mental health and spiritual life are neglected in the process. These individuals frequently forgo sleep, prayer, rest, and activities they enjoy to instead provide the same things for the other people in their lives.

While it is good to sacrifice for and serve others, the extreme is not what God is calling us to. One of the best ways to reflect on the merit of our behaviors and activities is to ask one simple question- is this bringing me closer to Christ, or away from Christ?

If our busybody lifestyle of serving others selflessly is leaving us feeling used, neglected, despairing, or discouraged, it may be time to reevaluate and change how we are acting. Serving others and ourselves is a delicate balance that needs to be revisited frequently.

A great source to reflect on is the book “Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life” by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. If you find yourself struggling with serving others to a degree that is detrimental to your mental health and spiritual life, I recommend picking up the book and taking its message to prayer.

Our first priority is to get ourselves to Heaven. Helping others get there is noble and virtuous, but we cannot afford to lose our own way in the process.


Serving Others (Part 3 of 3) - October 31, 2021


Serving Others (Part 1) - October 24, 2021