Perfect Happiness is Elusive - August 22, 2021


In my work as a counselor, people often come to meet me with the goal of being happy. Happiness is an interesting concept, especially given our fallen nature. I have not found a Scripture yet that promises permanent happiness to us on this side of Heaven.

Sometimes we think that if we find the perfect job, significant other, or prayer practice that we will find lasting happiness. If you have that outlook, you will likely only discover disappointment at the end of your searching when you realize that what you thought would completely fulfill you fails to do so.

To pursue this perfect happiness devoid of suffering is to worship a false god. The sooner we accept the reality that we will never find perfect happiness on this side of Heaven, the sooner we will start being more present to those around us and more vigilant in prayer instead of chasing the next thing that will inevitably leave us unfulfilled.

Instead of happiness, I tend to think that our goals should be holiness, peace, and wisdom. These pursuits are what really seem to ease our suffering and provide us with the strength that carries us through difficult times. Sin and suffering are inevitable in this life and any attempt to escape them entirely results in crushed expectations, denial, and despair.

This week, consider asking yourself what possessions, prestige, or person you may be pursuing under the impression that, once obtained, will grant you perfect happiness.


Measure in Small Steps - August 29, 2021


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