June 27, 2021- What is Normal?


What do you think of when you hear the word normal? It is very common to look at the norms that we perceive in our environment and then compare ourselves to them. When we do this, we often see ourselves as being abnormal, falling short, or failing to live up to expectations. In some ways, it is good to look to others as an example. We have Christ, saints, and role models to look up to as inspirations for values or virtues that we admire and want to cultivate in ourselves.

However, someone serving as an inspiration to us is very different than being a source of comparison. When we make comparisons, we see deficits. When we see deficits, we experience feelings of failure, sadness, and frustration. When we are experiencing all the negative emotions and thoughts involved with failure and deficits, it inhibits our growth and motivation.

If we radically accept who we are and are mindful of the present day, it allows us to focus our energy on growing in a healthy way. A way where we do not compare ourselves to others, but to the person we were yesterday. This also allows us to take our attention away from our deficits and refocus it on the values and virtues that we desire to cultivate in the present moment.

This is a practice of living in the present moment with Christ because God is always radically loving and accepting of where we are today. If you find yourself comparing yourself to others, take a moment to sit with Christ and reflect on who He wants you to be.


July 4, 2021- Change is Hard


June 20, 2021- Be Still